Last Updated: February 11, 2020 The most northerly, and most wide ITV region is Grampian covering from Dundee up to the Shetland Isles. A difficult region to cover, both from presentation and transmission viewpoints. Launching on 30th September 1961, Grampian Television grew itself immediate financial problems. However through an increase in local programming, Grampian gained itself a local following. In local programming, Grampian reigned supreme throughout the 70's & 80's. Little much more has been heard about the company since outside their broadcasting range, until the merger with Scottish Television's parent in the mid 90's. Nowadays Grampian's programming just looks and feels like its southern partner, and regionalism is now on a national scale.
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1 comments so far (Add Comment)hi I am looking for footage of a news item from Grampian 1958 to 1960 it was of a pet deer in Aberdeenshire it belonged to my family the producer who came to the house was called Ben Lyon can you help
Posted by mary copland on Sunday, 7.09.14 @ 14:40pm | #8639