The revamp in 1993 was very clever, and technically superb. There were many symbols, each starting off the same, but once the UTV logo had been formed, someone would run through it or roll it up or whatever.
Each symbol had a slightly different jingle. A selection of these are shown below. Within several weeks of their introduction, most of them were withdrawn with the bog-standard one (as above) be used almost always, except for the startup at 9.25am where the "UTV is YOUR TV" symbol was used. This particular symbol was used until 1995.
The second symbol above was used in the first few days of the new look. The old music faded into the new. The clock below
was occasionally used on-screen, making UTV unique among ITV companies who'd
ditched the use of on-screen clocks. Another unusual feature of UTV's look is the fact that still uses onscreen continuity on occasion. The pictures below are of Julian Simmons, Ulster's campest presenter, and Tracy-Anne Griffiths who now does continuity for Channel 4. Note how the background mimics part of the UTV logo, with the table being the top of the 'U'. Incidentally, the same studio was used for news during GMTV.
The 1993 revamp saw a new look for UTV Live, only a few months after its launch:
Special Christmas symbols from December 1994, designed by local schools.
December 1995 Christmas presentation was complete with
> > > > > Onto UTV in 1996 > > > > >
All images, video, text and commentary written by Richard Bell for TV Zone. Last Updated:
February 11, 2020 |
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